A review by slanderoid
The Healer's War by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough


I decided to read this one because I wanted to read something from one of the old bundles I picked up and it stuck out to me. I was very quickly entranced by this book. I don't recall reading anything that would fit under the "magical realism" umbrella before but, if this is what books in that category are like, I'll have to read many more!

This book hit me like a punch in the gut. It's not fun. It's not usually funny. Every other page contains a heartbreaking turn of events. But that is exactly what I needed to read, I guess. Even the ending only hints at the possibility of a brighter future. As I made my way through the book, I worried that the magical healing amulet would make the story a goofy heroe's tale... but that is definitely not the case here.

This made it onto the list of my favorite books of all time before I'd even finished the damned thing. I wholeheartedly recommend it if you've got a strong stomach and you're looking for something that doesn't fit the mold for conflict resolution. War, I hear, is hell and this story captures that sentiment brilliantly.