A review by emmelnie
The Rake is Taken by Tracy Sumner


The Rake Is Taken continues Sumner’s strong Regency paranormal series by focusing on two people who’ve struggled with their talents. Finn suffers because he can read any mind around his—except for Victoria. She struggles because her ability to wipe anyone’s recent memories offers perilous possibilities that she knows she needs to avoid. For Finn, Victoria offers a respite, as she negates his talent and gives him rare moments of silence in a cacophonous world. For Victoria, she needs to know that she isn’t alone in her talents, and that Finn can introduce her to others who have to deal with extraordinary abilities every day.

I liked both Finn and Victoria. Finn was a strong secondary character in The Lady is Trouble, where his talents made him mischievous and a bit chaotic. In The Rake is Taken, Finn is older and more jaded, struggling with the challenges reading minds brings. I liked the way Victoria was his counterbalance, the yin to his yang in more ways than one. They also have to address their class differences and social status, and Victoria has to learn to challenge the status quo she is being forced into.

There are welcome sightings of characters from the first book, but they in no way overshadow the growth of Finn and Victoria’s relationship. The League of Lords series has been excellent so far, and how wonderful that The Rake Is Taken avoids the dreaded sophomore slump!