A review by lolasreviews
Moon Child by Tracy Banghart


I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review

I really enjoyed By Blood and was really excited to start Moon Child right afterwards. While I really enjoyed By Blood, I think Moon Child didn't quite reach the same level of enjoyableness as the first book.

I enjoyed reading Moon Child, but I also had some issues with it. I finished it fairly quickly, but I just expected more from this book because the first book was so good. There wasn't as much mystery as in the first book. The storyline was interesting, but it was predictable quite often at the end there are some nice twists later on in the book. Part of this book is about a murder mystery, but while normally with such kind of books I keep guessing who the murderer will be, I didn't do that in this book. There weren't enough hitns and actualy the police didn't know anything at all, the murdered really could be anyone. The murder mystery just didn't pull me in, there where no suspicions and I didn't have any speculations either as result of that.

If I am correct this book is supposed to take place before By Blood where Emma leaves for England. So I was a bit surprised when I read this book, that I can't remember eny of these events being mentioned in By Blood.

A big part of this story felt horribly cliché and predictable. I was really glad when later on in the story there were some plot twists and surprises.

I did like Diana, she was a nice character. Although sometimes it did feel like Emma acted in this book how Diana acted in By Blood and in some scenes I didn't feel like Emma was the same character I got to know in By Blood. And also the other way around, Diana didn't felt like the same person as in By Blood. I did like Diana in in this book, she was a strong character and could stand up for herself. She makes some stupid mistakes along the way, but overal she felt real and believeable. I still didn't get a good idea of who Helen was, even though these 3 are quite close the focus is more on Emma and Diana in this book. Also Diana tells Emma quite a lot of what is going on, but in By Blood Emma keep almost everything a secret from Diana, which really surprises me because they seem really close in this book.

I did like the romance in this book more than in BY Blood. I like Nicolas and their romance felt genuine. I liked Diana and Nicolas together, their romance was really sweet and done really well. I do wonder what happened to Nicolas as I don't remember him being mentioned in By Blood.

To conclude: I enjoyed Moon Child, but it just missed something to make it more than okay for me. I did like the story, but I kept comparing it to the first book in this series and trying to make connections between these two books. I liked the story and mystery better in BY Blood, but I think the romance was done better in this book. I also think Diana is a great character.