A review by milointhewoods
The Wood Bee Queen by Edward Cox


i really can’t decide what to rate this book. i think i’m between a three and a four right now, and i don’t do half stars so i’m going to continue to think about it and decide in a couple days.

the concept is really interesting, the characters are somewhat elementary but still entertaining and compelling. i love books about books, i love libraries, i love mythology and i love morally ambiguous dieties and characters. i think my main issue is that all of the conflicts in here had too much build up and not enough resolution.

i could have absolutely adored this - easily. to me it’s somewhat reminiscent of the starless sea in plot but the writing isn’t as lyrical and i am certainly not as attached to the characters but i can’t work out why. i’m not sure if i actually feel apathetically about this book or if it’s my current mental state reflecting my inability to enjoy things. this might be something i have to reread once i am less unwell because my god does it have potential.