A review by dollycas
The Cozy Cookbook by B.B. Haywood, Cleo Coyle, Julie Hyzy, Laura Childs, Paige Shelton, Jenn McKinlay, Connie Archer, Avery Aames, Ellery Adams, Leslie Budewitz, Victoria Hamilton, Daryl Wood Gerber


Dollycas’s Thoughts

I am so excited to have this cookbook. These authors include great recipes in their cozy mysteries and I try to remember to scan the ones I want into my computer before the book goes on my keeper shelf or I share it with someone else but that doesn’t always happen. Then it is a case of remembering that I have it or what book it was in. I remember including in more than 1 review that the author should put out a cookbook as an extra book to their series.

I sat down with this cookbook and immediately thought I need some of those Post-it Flags so I could mark the ones I wanted to try. Breakfast, Breads, Soups, Drinks, Appetizers, Main Courses, Desserts are all included in this book, all set up in sections with a fantastic Index in the back. There is also a series list for each of the authors.

I plan to start with the Tinkerbell Cupcakes from Jenn McKinlay’s Sprinkle with Murder (Cupcake Bakery Mystery) because my husband’s grandmother lived to be 104 and she always said “eat dessert first”. Then I will move on to the Twice Baked Potatoes from Paige Shelton’s If Mashed Potatoes Could Dance (Country Cooking School Mysteries) and The Best Grilled Chicken Breasts from Crime Rib (Food Lovers’ Village) by Leslie Budewitz. There are so many more I want to make too. There is something for everyone including gluten free and vegan cupcakes.

There are also excerpts from the mysteries to give you a sample test of any you may have missed or want to revisit.

I really hope this becomes something these authors do again and others jump on the cookbook chuck wagon too.

Other cookbooks to check out are Recipes To Die For: A Victoria Square Cookbook by Lorraine Bartlett, and The Cozy Chicks Kitchen with recipes from The Cozy Chicks. You should also bookmark http://www.mysteryloverskitchen.com/ where mystery writers are cooking up crimes… and recipes!