A review by beachbumbookworm
Baked to Death by Catherine Bruns


Newest Assignment Details:

Where: Colwestern, New York

Who: Sally and gang

Finding out I was going back for a visit to Colwestern, New York to see Sally and the gang was a great surprise! Although two things scared me about this trip...being around all those delicious cookies again...and well...don’t tell...but Josie. I mean I love her, but she is a little intimidating! What a first day visit...Sally was running late so I was @ the shop w/ a wound up Josie! She was bursting at the seams with news! Then we all celebrated the women’s honor of being chosen as contestants on the reality show “cookie crusaders” ...along with a trip to Florida...which is where I just came from...ironic lol. Then Yeah...im not done…. this is what I meant by “what a day”.....Colin shows up. Sally’s cheating, lazy bum of an EX-husband showed up. He seems to think he owns half the bakery...ludicrous! Then came Mitzi...gees!!!! Although I really wanted a nap at this point, we all made plans to meet up and celebrate Josie’s birthday. Colin came in and ruined that...he got rough with Sal, and in turn Mike had to get rough w/ him...and some stitches (but he’s ok). It was time to call it a night!! The next morning two police officers showed up at the door... Colin was dead...shot to death in his hotel room. Sal was looking pale, and although I knew she didn’t wish her EX-husband dead...I also knew there was more to the story. Sal informed me over a cup of coffee that she woke up around 5:30 and Mike was gone. Everything seemed to snowball quickly from there. According to police Mike had motive, and fingerprints put him in Colin’s hotel room, and he was arrested. It does sound like a “recipe” for disaster. Of course, Sal bailed Mike out...she didn’t know who killed Colin (let’s face it....it could be anyone), but she did know that it wasn’t Mike. Mike feels differently about his chances and goes on the run. Sally asks me to accompany them on the trip to Florida, and to help her prove Mike’s innocence….

My thoughts:

Another scrumptious installment to the cookies and chance series! I love everything about this series. The writing is great, Sal is written as a smart sleuth (which is a relief to me), and the mystery kept me engaged from start to finish. It was easy to be fooled...because everyone seemed to have a reason to want Colin dead. I love all the secondary characters...Grandma Rosa is hilarious, Mike, Sal’s mom and dad, Josie, and even Mrs. Gavelli!

I recommend you make yourself a cup of coffee, and one of the tasty recipes provided….I suggest “Spice Cookies w/ Pumpkin Frosting”. Make sure you give yourself a chunk of time because you won’t want to put this one down!

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