A review by storieswithsoul
Fanya in the Underworld by Jordan Elizabeth


It's an amazing steampunk fantasy. I loved the story and as always Jordan Elizabeth's characters are truly remarkable. Fanya is a young woman, who lives in Alaska where steam-tech is combined with spirit magic. She is denied her inheritance and as she fights for what is rightfully hers, she stumbles upon a lot of other secrets. Now, she and her sister are both in danger and she must run away from the city in order to keep her sister safe. However, she has absolutely no intention of giving up on her inheritance.
Life outside the city is not what the two sisters had imagined. Soon they realize that many stories they have heard about the tribes and creatures that live outside are false. Things are not as they seem and Fanya might be the only one who can change them. But what will happen if she uses her magic and spirits are free? Will they make the world a better place or perhaps a worse?
One her quest Fanya finds her soul spirit. She discovered who she really is and how strong she can be when she believes in herself. She defeats the evil villains. Slay her dragons, so to speak, and at last, find what she has truly been looking for; a family and a home where she can live a carefree life. Also, she plans to keep helping others in whatever way she can.
It's a truly amazing story and when you combine it with a steampunk theme you get perfection. I loved how it flowed smoothly from the very beginning. There wasn't a single boring moment. In fact, once I started reading it I had a hard time putting it down. There were many twists and turns and some really unexpected consequences of Fanya's actions. All in all, it is an interesting, thrilling, dramatic, mysterious, and a little scary story which I think all readers can enjoy.
P.S. I received a complimentary copy of this book.