A review by annikajdr
The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God and the Necessity of Faith by Ken Wytsma


So very good. My favorite book of the year, in fact. I chose to read this book for Lent on a whim, and I found that Ken Wytsma seemed to speak directly to where I was in life as I was reading. It feels like I highlighted something on every page, and when I started skimming the book at Christmas to remind me of specifics for my review, I ended up just rereading it because it is so good. Wytsma has both great thoughts and great applications for the Christian life, and some of the changes that modern Christians may need to make. Other authors (including ones on this list) have made similar points, and it’s hard for me to put into words exactly what it is about Wytsma that sets him apart from the rest; I just know that it seemed like almost everything he said spoke to me -either convicting, challenging, encouraging, or comforting- and that I feel I can read it over again and keep gaining something new. I’m looking forward to reading his previous book on justice, and his upcoming book on creativity. In the meantime, everyone should just read this one.