A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


I really enjoyed this novel by Jessica Sorensen. These books always pull out so much of my heart, because Sorensen always creates such damaged characters. It's one of my favorite things about her writing, but it's also what makes them so hard to read and write reviews on.
I truly loved Callie and I thought she was so brave. It did bother me that she never told her parents, and that her parents wanted to remain so clueless. That bothered me more than anything because I can't imagine just brushing signs like that aside.

Callie was so brave when she stood up to Kayden's father, and I'm glad it changed something for him. It bothered me after the opening scene that Kayden would just let her go and not even think about her. I mean in the end it makes sense, but I just wanted him to be a little more grateful. I did love that Callie went off to college and was doing the things she needed too in order to make herself better. The secondary characters in Jessica Sorensen's novels are always amazing and I loved Seth and Luke.

I don't want to spoil things, but lets just say the ending left me with a ripped out heart, and I've never been more thankful to have the second book ready to go. I'm giving this 4 out of 5 stars, because I can't believe that cliffhanger. If I had to wait to finish this, I would have been royally upset. As it was I had to wait until the next morning to be able to get to it due to time constraints.