A review by rosielovesreading
Chicks, Man by J.D. Hollyfield


3.5 Stars!

Chicks, Man was my first book by JD Hollyfield, and it was full of surprises! The story went in directions I definitely didn’t expect, and it was a rollercoaster of emotions, making me laugh out loud at times and my heart break at others.

Levi, best man at his best friend Kipley’s wedding, sees Kipley’s younger sister Hannah for the first time in years. Gone is the little innocent girl, in her place a woman who has caught his attention. But knowing what he would but at risk by pursuing anything, he ignores his attraction, until a mix-up leads to them in a supply closet during the reception. Not realising who was in there with him until after, Levi is angry and in disbelief that the woman who rocked his world is Hannah. Hannah, freshly graduated from college, returns home to work for her father’s law firm. She’s always had a crush on Levi, but he’s always been unattainable, older and more popular. When they are thrown back into each other’s lives more permanently, working together on a daily basis, the cat and mouse game begins. Will Levi and Hannah ever be able to be honest with their family and friends about their relationship, or will other powers at play push them apart before they can even get started?

I did enjoy this book, I really liked reading how the relationship blossomed between Levi and Hannah and they give into their feelings. I love the whole brother’s best friend trope, the secrecy and how they fall so fast. Levi was such a sweetheart with Hannah, honest about his feelings, good and bad, from the start, but worried about hurting his surrogate brother and family. Hannah was so so strong, more so than anyone ever realised, she stood up for herself and had grown a backbone from when she was growing up. She went after what she wanted and didn’t care what anyone else thought, I loved her personality.

The only thing I was a bit dubious about was the turn the book took, I feel like it went from 0-100mph in about 2 chapters and it became less about Levi and Hannah and more about the other plot. I love when the romance isn’t the sole focus of a plot, but I didn’t realise how heavily this would change halfway through and it came as a bit of a shock. I did predict the twists, but not to the level of depth the actions would go, and I was surprised with the final third of the book.

Chicks, Man is full of action, drama, secrets and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next, but by the end I felt like something was missing, although I’m not sure what. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy this book, I just think the way it changes so suddenly halfway through threw me off a bit, the drama was intense, and I had to skim read some of it because my heart couldn’t take the descriptions. But I loved the banter between Levi and Hannah, how their relationship blossomed. I struggled to like most of the secondary characters, especially Rebecca but also Stacey, I wish she stood up for Hannah sooner, I’m not sure I would appreciate my sister-in-law not having my back. I adored Levi and Hannah’s story, and how they ultimately won in the end!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.*