A review by bryonie
Short Stories for Little Monsters by Marie-Louise Gay


I won this book as a Goodreads giveaway.

Overall, I liked this book, and I'll be passing it along to my neices to added to their ever-growing library (it's what happens when you're born into a family of voracious readers).

My only real complaint about the book is that the individual 'stories' aren't really stories at all. They are more slice of life kind of windows into the mind of a child. As much as I hate to put it in these terms, I wish they had more of a message, something that the kid reading the book could take away from the story. Not the hit you over the head kind of message, but just something. I think I feel this way because there didn't seem to be any sort of conclusion to any of the stories; they just seemed to end out of the blue, and you turn the page thinking I'd going to continue but it's something new.

My rating is based largely on the strength of the artwork, which I thought was wonderful. Kids books live or die with the quality of the pictures, and this book definitely had that going for it in spades.