A review by afictionreality
Throw Like a Girl by Sarah Henning


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this from the publisher to review but all thoughts are my own.

I really enjoyed this book, think I finished it in two days! The plot was enjoyable and I liked how prominent football was in the book. The characters were enjoyable, the main and the background characters. I liked how quick and easy this story was to follow even for people who are not familiar with football like myself.

Liv was a great main character. In the heat of the moment she punches an opposing teammate and is no longer able to attend the private school she currently attends. So now she must navigate her zoned high school where she knows no one but everyone knows her. But then she is recruited to play football by the staring quarterback himself. It was awesome how the author showed us so much of how hard Liv worked at football. The dynamic between Liv and the football players was nice to see and how well they got together. I wasn't sure which way the author was going to go with the football players because there are people who think it is a male only sport, but I was happy to see the author didn't go that route and the guys accepted Liv's spot on the team. Though Liv puts on this tough outer shell it was nice to see this other side of her at times in the book where she let that shell come down. I liked how we got different sides of her as a character, it was nice and it added more depth to her.

Grey wasn't what I thought he was going to be. I expected him to be this cocky and arrogant football star and he was that a little bit but not all the time. Just like we got to see with Liv,  we got to see different sides of Grey. One thing that I admired about Grey as  a character was he does something stupid throughout the book but in the end he owned up to it which wasn't what I was expecting from him but I was glad to see him do it.

I was happy to see that almost all of this book focuses on football and not the budding romance. I wasn't sure of the romance was going to take a front for this book but it was more of an afterthought. This book says its about Liv and being the only girl on the football team and it delivers. I do not watch football so I didn't;t know exactly all the key terms they used and what they plays meant exactly but the author provides enough details to where that doesn't matter. Like me, you could have no prior knowledge of football and have no problems understanding what is going on in the game because of the details the author provides.

One thing that I found a little unrealistic was Liv and her football abilities. Maybe this isn't unrealistic like I think it is, but it just seems unrealistic to me which is why I have a little problem with it. Liv has never played football before, only really tosses a ball with her brother. And suddenly she is almost as good as the guys who has been playing forever. Like that just seems so unrealistic to me.

Side note: This cover seems like such a Wattpad book cover it kind of makes me laugh a little. Not that it is bad, by all means is it a bad cover but it just reminds me so much of the covers you can find on Wattpad and I think that is a reason why I like it. 

Overall this is an enjoyable read and I cannot wait for you all to read it when it is published!