A review by nzlisam
The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley


3.5 Rounded Up.

Nine guests, and one baby, friends since their university days ten years previously, arrive at a Lodge in the Scottish Highlands, for a fun-filled, relaxing New Years Getaway.

Emma and Mark (Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Emma organised the trip)
Miranda and Julien (Married)
Nick and Bo (Married)
Samira and Giles, and baby, Priya (Married)
Katie (their single friend)

But are these friends really as close as they appear? And what happens to their friendship’s when all their secrets come to light? By the 2nd of January one of them will be dead because of it.

The setting was perfect – as breathtaking as it was isolating and foreboding. Most of the characterisations were all excellent, relatable, interesting to read about, and their behaviour rang true. Others had me puzzling over why their characters were even included, as they didn’t seem to serve any significant purpose? Chapters moved between Now (2nd January, 2019) when a body is discovered in the snow (the victim’s identity remains under wraps until the final act which I thought was brilliant), and Then the guests arriving at the lodge (30th December, 2018 – 1st January, 2019), with multiple viewpoints.

Unfortunately I felt there were just too many plot elements, a couple of which were unnecessary, never fully explored nor explained, and added little to the story. Also, there was a lot of telling rather than showing when relating past events, causing some sections to be rather long-winded. I really think further flashbacks to the event in question would’ve been better. It’s a shame because overall the writing and dialogue were exceptional. I particularly loved how the author related characters actions, expressions, and emotions to hunting and animals.

The final reveal while not that surprising was well-executed, action-packed, horrifying, and emotionally impacting when it’s revealed who the victim is. The last two chapters really wrapped everything up nicely as well. Not the 5 star read I was expecting it to be, but still definitely worth checking out, and I would happily read another book by Lucy Foley.