A review by lilmatt050
[insert] Boy by Danez Smith


To check out my reviews: https://dancinginth3dark.wordpress.com/2018/04/23/insert-boy/

I love spoken word poetry and I have discovered Danez Smith poetry multiples times both in personal and academic life. Fortunately I had to read this book for my Queer Studies class and I was in complete awe over his writing and how powerful his imagery is when talking about race, being gay, abuse, and falling in love. I have never written a review for a book of poetry and I cannot really describe into words the profound impact I've felt towards this book and Danez Smith.

Danez Smith breaks the book into sections; each has a separate theme like race, ruined, lover, etc. and yet the fluidity that flows between each poem never makes it feel like there is a discontinuity between the narrator and the reader. Even though I am not a black gay man I was still able to understand and empathize with Danez over the struggles he faces with his identity and the problems we face in this nation when it comes to race. Even though this book was published years ago it feels as though the topic he brings up is still extremely relevant in 2018 which is a huge indicator that we haven't progressed much as a society.


I've spent all day trying to come
up with a metaphor for barebacking.
I've tried face against abrupt winter,
sockless feet against velvet floors,
punching a warm beast with paper skin;
none of them work. I don't want to talk
about the risk. miss me with that
chatter about what I know is wrong. I know
the bones I could become, I know the story
& the other one too, how people disappeared
mid-sentence in the '80s, how NYC became
a haunted bowl of dust. I know the monster
waiting to pounce my blood, but I wasn't in
my right mind, I was barely in my body at all.

Some of the poems made me laugh to the brink of tears, some left me speechless, and some told beautiful stories even the ones full of pain and heartache. My favorite poems are Raw, Genesissy, Healing Attempt #3, and Mail. Danez Smith is a storyteller and I highly recommend everyone to pick up this book. It is extremely easy to read, comprehend, and a great eye opener to those who want to explore Queer literature and poetry.