A review by debz57a52
Super by Matthew Cody


If I could, I would rate this a 3.5 stars - I liked it, but it was not enough to really like it.

Super continues Daniel Corringan's story a few months after Powerless left off. There's a new kid in town - Theo Plunkett, great nephew of the villain from the previous book. The Supers are unclear whether he knows anything of the mysterious shadows that have been attacking the Supers, but Daniel believes in his gut that he can trust Theo with their secret. It takes more for Daniel to share his own secret with his friends, though - he has been stealing their powers unintentionally but temporarily, and it may have something to do with the ring Herman Plunkett game him last year (and last book).

When Theo's dad's company starts digging at the old quarry, where Herman Plunkett died in a cave-in, Theo, Daniel, and the Supers go looking for trouble, hoping to find answers and protect the town of Noble's Green in the process. Unfortunately, once again, it is up to Daniel to decide the outcome.

The story was interesting enough, but it didn't always hold my attention, as the slow parts came and went, and much of the story was predictable. I realize that it's partially tongue-in-cheek (the predictability) because the history of the Supers is related to a famous comic book series, but it was almost insulting how cliche the characters and plot are, even with Herman admitting he is doing everything a super villain should. And the end of the book felt like it was tying up all the loose ends... And then went on for three more chapters, obviously prepping for a potential third book, which I didn't think we need.