A review by trudyd
Key Change by Heidi Hutchinson


MIND BLOWN!!!! I have just a few questions. How can I give this story more stars? How can I scream louder "please read this?" How can I talk the author into making this a series? After all Shawn is going to make it big in the future and will be needing Quinn's security team.

Key Change is a lesson in love. Key Change is a lesson in second chances. Key change is a lesson in making positive changes for a better future. Key Change is a lesson of success. Ket Change is a lesson in forgiveness and trust. Most of all, Key change is a love story packed with drama.

Ashton James was the ultimate bad girl of pop rock. Her antics graced tabloids and entertainment television. Then she disappeared. The she found family. No one, but Quinn's team, knows where she is as she hides in plain sight in Chicago. Then she is confronted with her past, a past she didn't remember.

Johnny Torres was a rising star in the music industry. Time with a pop star ruined everything. Johnny is back in Chicago making music for others in a recording studio and taking care of his little brother, a brother who figures out where Ashton James is hiding.

The drama packed into this story is intense. As if all the romantic drama wasn't enough; the author brought in high school drama, close family drama, musician drama and pasts that were mind blowing. The author made me cry. I don't remember her ever making me cry before.

I have never hid that I adore Heidi's books. I have a shelf of signed books to prove it. To me this is her best story. I will still be thinking about it next week, next month.

I will remember the lessons in love. "You make it possible not to love you." Let's swoon together. "Sometimes we find someone. Or the find us. And there is rescuing on both ends." My heart is beating so fast right now.

Most of all I will remember life's greatest lesson. "All I can do is all I can do." All I can do is ask you t read Key Change. All I can do is hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. All I can do is wait patiently for Heidi Hutchinson's next story to burst free from her head.

09/17/22 after reading Lost Track, Key Change called to me for a reread. How could I say no? I couldn't.. Now I am off to read Lost Track again.