A review by emmascr
Mick by Melissa Foster


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free for a Blog Tour, from the PR Agency in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Lisa for letting me take part in this tour. I've previously read most of Melissa's books including her Wild Boys (After Dark) series which this series is linked to.

We have previously met one of the Bad brothers, Dylan,  in Logan's book. This book follows his older brother Mick. Mick became the head of the family after his father left. He kept the family together, he made sure his brothers were ok when all he wanted to do was fall apart. Mick vowed to never be like his father. He vowed not to have a relationship or a family because he doesn't want to let them down like his father did. Mick however did not bargain on falling in love with Amanda.

Sweet Amanda is Mick's paralegal. she's been in love with him for 3 years but knows that there is no way she can have him. Sick of dating boring safe ment Amanda decides it's time to turn naughty. She's done her research and prepared her body from head to toe. What Amanda isn't prepared for is that the mystery man she tries to seduce is none other than her out of bounds boss, Mick.

Mick offers Amanda one weekend of naughtiness. One weekend of everything he knows he can't have and then they return to their lives.

I spent half my time while reading this book wanting to scream at these two. They were perfect for each other if only they gave it a chance. I really enjoyed reading their story and seeing Mick open up to Amanda.

I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the Bad boy's stories.