A review by jcpdiesel21
LaRose by Louise Erdrich


Ever since I read and was enthralled by [b:The Round House|13602426|The Round House|Louise Erdrich|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1352999408s/13602426.jpg|19195697], I have been meaning to read more by Erdrich, and this most recent book of hers provided the perfect opportunity complete with a very intriguing synopsis. Erdrich's signature gorgeous writing is on full display, and she skillfully works her knowledge of Ojibwe culture and spiritual practices into the framework of her story from the present day characters' everyday lives to the various tales of LaRoses from previous generations. Everyone and everything immediately associated with the opening tragedy provide a unique, heartbreaking take on loss and grief as the two families come together and attempt to find a way to heal over a period of many years. The multiple subplots devoted to secondary and tertiary characters didn't work for me; these have the effect of diminishing the core story's impact. Erdrich builds to a climax a bit too early, resulting in the book petering out in a quiet final chapter that provides closure, but doesn't feel entirely satisfying. Good, but I was expecting something with a little more punch.