A review by literaryapologist
The Wrong Brother by Monica Murphy


I was super super excited for this book, after reading A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime which is feature Grant Lancaster's youngest brother Crew. I loved how Alyssa and Grant were shown in that book, and was dying to know their story...but I found myself to be incredibly disappointed.

The Wrong Brother is a novella that surrounds the romance of two people who shouldn't work but some how do. Their romance all starts when Grant Lancaster finds an nameless woman in his bed after a night out drinking, a wpmen who looks a whole lot like his brother's assistant.

I honestly really wish that we could have seen how their relationship developed over time, how their feelings progressed from the moment we left in the novella, to the serious relationship that was shown in A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime. It was mainly just smut scenes with a few emotional conversations, and a little jealousy. Ultimately, I could have read an entire book on them, and think that they had lot of potential that was overall wasted when writing a small novella that doesn't really show who they are.