A review by drkaren
Here, Right Matters: An American Story by Alexander Vindman


This was a highly satisying read. And I don't mean "satisfying" in a "damned by slight praise" kind of way.

So many books and media sources highlight what's wrong with the world right now - extremists of every persuasion, high emotion and sensational events, corruption everywhere, insolvable problems besetting us on every side.

And we know - from a brain perspective - that our brains (read: thoughts and emotions) tend to mirror what we encounter in our environments.

So I can't express enough how much I enjoyed reading about a person who just wants to contribute to the common good and to follow his moral compass, come what may from doing so. Vindman's memoir is not high literature, nor does it need to be to convey his message. It's as straightforward as his desire to tell the truth, whatever the personal cost. It is honest, thoughtful, and gently challenges us to be true to our own moral compass while respecting others and looking to the greater good. And his own journey lends credibility to the "lessons" he shares in his epilogue - not as a "self-help" guide, but as the outgrowth of sharing his own life-learning.