A review by caffeinatedbibliophile
A Keeper of Secrets by Benjamin Knox


Full review on my blog

I picked this up a few years ago while it was free around Halloween, but I never got around to reading it. I found it earlier while going through my Kindle, looking for unread horror stories, and decided to give it a shot.

My favorite stories, which I gave between 3 and 4 stars each, were Medium Rare, The Art of Steaming, Anonymous, I Love My Job, and Dark Gods Devour. The rest of the stories were less impressive, for me and my tastes.

All the stories were quite short, taking no more than about 10 minutes each to read (sometimes less), which was nice, but also a little unsatisfying.

I'm honestly not sure if I would recommend this or not, but I say give it a try if you happen to find it free.