A review by chyreads29
Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron


3.5 Stars. I liked this a lot better than the first book. What I'm enjoying about this series so far is that it does not sugar coat. I do think teens can read this but if anything, this series feels too mature to be confined by the YA genre. Anyways, I've accepted that this is a plot-driven story. We don't get much from Arrah outside of her intense grief and that she wants to be with Rudjek instead of saving the world. And speaking of Rudjek, I get why we needed a dual perspective, but I am not invested in his character at all. I skimmed through his chapters because they just weren't interesting. Ironically enough, it is the side characters that I am invested in but unfortunately, they are cursed with the sidekick trope. Every time you get attached to them....I also think there are too many villains in the story and the time jumps between Dimma's back story and Arrah's present made it really difficult to keep up sometimes. Really curious to see how this story ends with the third and final book.