A review by penguinknitter
Doomed to Repeat: The Lessons of History We've Failed to Learn by Bill Fawcett


Good for an introduction to the issues that were a problem in 2010ish America and that still have an impact on today. Readers should know that it is very United States centric, but does mention other countries through the different essays. Not a comprehensive look at things, but a good overview in order to get people thinking about what can be done to change where we might be heading.

I will say that I enjoyed the moments where the author went (does this sound familiar) in order to show his point that humans have seen a lot of this before, but tend to ignore what happened in the past because we're 'smarter' now.

Can't comment on a price point, because I got this as a loaner from the library, and that's one of my favorite prices. :)