A review by namorgan
East of Eden by John Steinbeck


"And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good."

I tend to avoid reading the classics because the ones I read in school bored me to death. When I found out this was a retelling of Cain and Abel, I pushed aside any of the preconceptions I had to pick East of Eden up because I love stories with biblical themes.

John Steinbeck captures the human soul very purely in this story of fathers and sons across three generations. I got a bit teary-eyed a couple of times reading this and I don't think I've highlighted a book as many times as I did this one (which may in part have to do with this book's length, but mostly it's how poignant it's able to get across it's themes to the reader) I'm glad East of Eden has opened up new doors for me to explore more of the classics.