A review by davehershey
Battle Ground by Jim Butcher


This book is essentially part two of Peace Talks. In general, Dresden books don’t cover a lot of time, usually a few days to a few weeks. This one tells the story of one night. Which again, shows why it is essentially the conclusion to Peace Talks. I get why Butcher (or the publisher) broke them up as one 800 page book would have been twice the length of a usual book in the series.

My reaction to Peace Talks was 3 stars, as it felt like half a book. This one is a thrill ride from beginning to end, reading as almost one long battle scene. Yet, it was the last 80 pages or so, after the battle ended, that were really my favorite. The battle was just too long to keep my suspense engaged for that long. I mean, (semi-spoiler alert) when one character we’ve known for a while dies halfway through I didn’t take it seriously. It seemed too soon, or too anti-climatic, for such a death.

For as big as Peace Talks-Battle Ground are in introducing the biggest most powerful enemy we’ve seen, I walked away feeling like the whole thing was better as a set up for the next book. There are enough clues and foreshadowing to make me want to know what happens next.

That said, don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Seeing the various characters who are normally not friends come together, especially as we’ve met most of these folks throughout the series, was excellent. That is my favorite part of the series by now, after 17 or so books, Butcher has built a world filled with well-developed characters. I also find it interesting that the so-called “bad guys” who Harry often works with (Marcone, Queen Mab) seem more honorable and decent than the so-called “good guys” (the White Council).

Marcone is one of those characters who really intrigues me. Harry says how horrible he is, but he is often helping Harry and working with him. I suspect a reread would remind me how dark Marcone is. At this point, I am wondering if Harry is wrong or if I’m missing/forgetting something?

Overall, I think on a reread Peace Talks-Battle Ground would be high only my list. Maybe not as high as the few before it, where I think the series really hit its height. But definitely great and setting up what I hope is more great storytelling to come.