A review by eviebookish
Emma Hearts LA by Keris Stainton


***Originally posted to: Bookish Book Blog |YA and Adult Book Reviews, Author Interviews, Guest Posts, Giveaways and news! ^___^

Emma Hearts LA was an adorable, quick read. A perfect little treat for long summer afternoons on the beach. While it's not exactly a book that will change your life, it's most definitely an enjoyable, charming book with a simple but solid plot line, and characters that you'll adore. I honestly did not expect to like it that much, heck - I did not expect to like it all! - but I couldn't help falling under its charm. In the end, this book proved do be really fun and entertaining, and although I did have a few problems with it, they were small and easy to overlook thanks to this book's undeniable sweetness and readability.

If you had a chance to read Keris Stainton's previous book, Jessie Hearts NYC, you probably remember Emma, Jessie's best friend. You'll be pleased to know that Emma now gets her very own story, and what a story it is! The book kicks off with Emma arriving in Los Angeles, where her brilliant astro-physicist mom was offered a new job. Emma's not very thrilled about the move overseas (reluctant to leave her friends and father behind), but there isn't much she can do about it, the decision has been made. Shortly after arriving in the US, Emma realizes that LA isn't as bad as she thought. In fact, it's every teenage girl's dream destination - filled with sunny beaches, celebrities, vibrant night life, hot guys, beautiful tourist attractions and plenty of new possibilities. Reunited with her nerdy childhood friend, Oscar, Emma quickly adapts to the new surroundings. She's also very pleased to see that Oscar is no longer the awkward, annoying kid he used be. He's a blush-worthy, attractive, confident young man, and one that seems to be interested in Emma in a romantic way. And he's not the only one! There's also the hot and famous TV show star, Alex, and he, too, seems to be very fond of our pretty, English girl. Is it just me, or is it suddenly getting very hot in here? ;)

As much as I enjoyed this book, I can't say that I instantly fell in love with it. In fact, it took me about 100 pages to actually get into it. It was mainly due to the fact that the first 100 pages or so act as nothing more but a set up for the love triangle that comes later, and, for a book that is only 250 pages long, it's a very long set up. That is not to say that the first part of the book is totally meaningless and unnecessary. Yes, it could be a bit shorter, and yes, I would certainly like to get to the point a bit faster, but the part about Emma moving to LA, and Bex getting invited to a movie casting and learning the ins and outs of show business, was very interesting to read about, too. I guess what I'm trying to say is: Try to keep an open mind, enjoy the ride, and don't give up on this book too early. It's a book worth sticking with all the way to the end. The second part of the book makes up for the first, slower one, and if you push through and keep on reading, you'll be rewarded with a cute, sigh-worthy love story, funny dialogues and perfectly satisfying ending.

While it's clearly a spin-off of Jessie Hearts NYC, it's also a book that stands entirely on its own. You do not need to read about Jessie's adventurous to be able to enjoy reading about Emma's. Both books are stand-alones, and although they share some of the same characters and ideas, there is nothing that could prevent you from enjoying one without knowing the other.

Overall, this was a great, quick read that kept me pretty entertained all the way through. I enjoyed the funny dialogues and thought that Keris Stainton did a great job depicting teenage relationship's, with all their angst, idiosyncrasies, and occasional awkwardness. She made me believe in these teenagers and care for them. And although the romance part was missing steam and chemistry, I most certainly appreciated the humour and lightness of it. It's a drama-free book, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I recommend this book for a quick, summer read!