A review by weaselweader
The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen


The Surgeon returns for a second act!

Boston detective Jane Rizzoli has healed physically from the gruesome attack she suffered at the hands of Warren Hoyt, The Surgeon, but the psychological scab on the wound is still fresh. Faced with a copycat killer, who has been dubbed The Dominator, Rizzoli is forced to recognize the possibility that she's not capable of dealing with the psychiatric baggage of the last attack and that she's no longer objective in her search for the new killer. When Hoyt escapes custody, teams up with The Dominator and it becomes clear that Rizzoli is the next target, she has to deal with the most brutal realization of all ... that she is terrified for her life!

Gerritsen has done it again.

The Apprentice outdoes The Surgeon for thrills and chills, which is saying a mouthful! The science and the minutiae of the forensic investigation are exciting and informative. The repulsive creepy factor that Gerritsen squeezes out of a mental trip through the mind of serial killer Warren Hoyt is beyond chilling. The characters continue to be developed and Rizzoli's angst, far from becoming tiresome, is skillfully used as a tool to carve out the nature of her relationship with interfering FBI agent, Gabriel Dean.

And that ending ... a deep down gruesome shudder to die for! Brilliant!

Highly recommended.

Paul Weiss