A review by serendipity_viv
The Biscuit Witch by Deborah Smith


Originally posted on www.serendipityreviews.co.ukAAARRRGGGHHH!

This book makes me crazy! Never have I loved and hated a book more and been left so desperate for the next one.

This book is oozing with Southern hospitality in the style of authors such as Fannie Flagg and Beth Hoffman. I found myself desperate to visit the Crossroads Cafe which would definitely give the Whistlestop Cafe a run for it’s money. I fell in love with the quirky, yet vibrant characters who could easily have stepped out of Northern Exposure. The MacBride’s have dug their way into my heart and I can’t wait to find out what happens to Tal’s brother and sister in the future publications.

However I had a couple of really big issues with this book.

Firstly there was far too much information dumped in the first couple of chapters. I really didn’t need to know so much about the characters so soon into the story, especially characters who were barely featured in the story. I can understand that this book is a connected to another and the author wanted to tell us all about the characters, other readers might have already met, but it was too much for me.

Secondly, I actually felt the story could’ve started further in. There is an extremely hilarious incident with a grizzly bear in the car eating cupcakes and I’m convinced the book should’ve started there.

Lastly, it took me far too long to work out who was actually telling the story. I didn’t realise the POV was alternating between Tal and the Scottish Doctor until a quarter of the way through the book.

Having whinged and moaned about all that – I really really did love this story when I got into it. It was descriptive to the point where you mouth watered every time they mentioned food. It was exciting and fast paced at times as Tal confronts her past, to create a new future. And it was full of warmth – family and friendship bonds that no one could ever break, leaving you feeling happy and content by the end of the book.

This is the kind of book that you want to read snuggled up on the sofa in winter.