A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
FantasticLand by Mike Bockoven


This book. THIS BOOK!

Excuse me but I'm not CONVINCED this man worked in amusement parks solely based on the “interviews” with management. But also this is a book full of unreliable narrators! Which I love. Because you're like “holy….. we’ll never know! WE WILL NEVER KNOW!”

Imagine if, if you will, major disaster hits an amusement park. The park has a disaster plan we're staff stays behind to keep it safe and clean up after. There is enough of everything for 500 people, for a month-- but after 48 hours, these people start acting like lords of the flies/yellow jackets. FORTY-EIGHT HOURS!

But not just that, they start separating into “tribes” based on their lands. Hhahahahahahahahha

Okay, so, I've worked in the amusement park industry for 16 years. And as I'm reading this book during downtime at work we start having conversations about this book, and what would we do, and who would be the first to murder. It's wild. But also, the sad thing, none of us were shocked by this book!

Anyone who's worked in amusement parks should read this book. But also, it was so well written. Each pov “interview” was like a different person, and then you start second guessing the whole thing, but then being like “where would I go?” Was anywhere safe. But also WHERE DID THE WARTHOG PEOPLE GO MIKE! I NEED A STORY JUST ABOUT THEM!!!! Where did the chainsaw come from, Mike??!!!!!

It's just brilliant. It's entry level horror, if you want to dip your toes in. Definitely read the trigger warnings.