A review by awesomelybadbooks
Dark Captor by Faith Summers, Khardine Gray


This story follows Tristan D'Agostino and Isabella Viggo.

The D'Agostino men want revenge on the people who tried to destroy their family and their business starting with Mortimer Viggo, the very man who had Tristan's wife killed. When they find out that Viggo has a daughter that has been kept a well-hidden, well-guarded secret (and who has been trying to live a normal life), they decide their best bet is to kidnap her to try and extract Mortimer's whereabouts as no one knows what the mysterious, powerful man looks like in order to locate him. For reasons of her own, Isabella hates her father. This is the man that killed her mother. This is the man that had the only person she was ever in love with killed. This is the man that informs her that she is to marry Dmitri, a disgusting man (the very same one that killed the man she loved) who is vile and dangerous, who will destroy her from the outside in. Could things go more wrong when Tristan and Dominic pluck her from her "normal" life and bring her to Tristan's island? The Island he had built for the wife he lost a few years ago? Tristan never expects that he would start to fall in love with Isabella and it sure as heck surprises her when she starts to fall in love with him.

It was an average installment for me with a few aspects here and there which were intriguing. There was one aspect that I did see coming - when Isabella is trying to remember the night her mother was killed and slowly starts to remember the mysterious man that was with her father that evening. That part was a little easy to figure out, but it doesn't take away from the story! All in all, I think it's definitely worth a read especially if you're on vacation lounging on the beach or, like me, you need to kill some time at work!