A review by novelheartbeat
Black Tide by K.C. Jones


This book was awesome! It had a very Bird Box meets Some Quiet Place feel to it, but was wholly unique and stands out on its own. I'm honestly shocked that the ratings for this book are so low. For once I was the black sheep in a good way!

My main complaint is that I didn't connect to the characters like I'd hoped to. The only one I really cared about was the dog, Jake.
SpoilerAnd even when he died, I didn't cry, which is really shocking for me. Usually the animal deaths leave me sobbing. I guess because we never SEE him die, it's just assumed. Booo.
And it's not that they were lacking personality...they each had a pretty distinct personality. Beth is self-deprecating and is basically a train wreck, and Mike is very melancholy and stoic; and they did fit together well. They just lacked something to give them heart and emotion.

The driving point of this book for me was definitely the creepy monsters! I like that in the beginning we know next to nothing about them. I think it's that air of mystery that gave me the Bird Box vibes. There's just something terrifying about an unknown monster killing people, especially when it's anĀ invisible unknown monster. This book brought the thrills and spine chills, and I loved that about it. I also loved that it's delightfully gory!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.