A review by brooke_review
Malorie by Josh Malerman


I read and fell in love with Josh Malerman's Bird Box long before it ever was a hit Netflix film. Bird Box scared me like no other book ever had, and I wanted everyone I knew to read it. With the Netflix adaptation, I was given a renewed opportunity to discuss this incredible book with other people; however, most of those conversations were about all the things that Netflix got wrong. The novel itself was so incredibly atmospheric, haunting, and downright creepy, and Netflix failed to capture the essence of what made it so great. So imagine my joy when I learned that Malerman had written a sequel to the story that made everyone afraid to trust their own eyes. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Malorie.

Malorie picks up the Bird Box story some 16 years later with Malorie, Tom, and Olympia still living by the fold, protecting themselves from the creatures they must not look at or risk going mad. Tom and Olympia, now teenagers, aren't too keen to follow their mother's insistent and strict rules. Despite the creatures completely upturning the world and changing how people live, teenagers will always think they know more than their parents. As you can imagine, this is going to lead to some resistance down the line ... what's more dangerous than teenagers rebelling against their parents in a quite literal mad, mad world?

However, things get even more interesting when Malorie receives a bit of news that completely changes her perspective. A piece of news that convinces her to leave the safety of their home for the first time in years and set out on a dangerous journey in search of that nugget of information. This can't end well, right? The world is still swarming with creatures. Just what happens when this trio sets foot in a precarious world is something you will have to read Malorie to find out.

Going into Malorie, I wasn't sure how Malerman would keep the strange plot of Bird Box fresh, but he manages it. Attacking new angles and raising interesting questions, Malerman explores this creature-ridden world without the protection of walls and doors, adding a new level of terror to this horror series. Writing Tom and Olympia as teenagers was a brilliant move on Malerman's part, as they are the voice of rebellion to Malorie's voice of reason. They show a different side to the fear, and represent how an entire generation of children born after the creature takeover see the world.

Malorie kept me captivated and turning the pages. I couldn't wait to reach the end of this book to see how it all played out. The creatures are much more prevalent in Malorie than they were in Bird Box, and because the characters are moving out and about in the world, there's always the fear of what's lurking just around the corner. If you loved Bird Box, you must read Malorie. If you loved the Netflix adaptation, do yourself a favor and read Bird Box, and then pick up Malorie. If you love creepy, psychological fiction, read this series! Also, anyone feeling a bit isolated and tense amidst the Coronavirus pandemic may find much to relate to in the Bird Box series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.