A review by hazelstaybookish
Biggest Flirts, by Jennifer Echols


Actual rating: 3-3.5

I seriously adored the idea of the Superlatives companion series the first time I heard about it. I was totally excited to read Biggest Flirts, which focused on Tia and Will, high school seniors who meet at a party and basically flirt at first sight, if there’s such a thing. They even bag the official title for their yearbook senior superlative! The two, despite their shared tendencies of flirting and casually hooking up, proved to not meet eye-to-eye when it came to one thing: taking their flirtationship one step further.

The quirky thing is- it’s Will, the male lead, who wants to get serious. The reversal of roles held some appeal for me, as well as the story’s fast-paced-but-fun romance. Will Matthews oozed charm despite being the new guy in town and I liked him (and his abs!) very much. He’s vulnerable and introverted, not so comfortable yet with his new schoolmates, having just moved from Minnesota. The quick-developing attraction between him and Tia could have made him feel better about too-hot California, but Tia was hard to pin down.

Tia, Biggest Flirt’s main character and female lead, was afraid of commitment. Not just relationship commitment, but any other kind of responsibility really. She goes as far as continually selling herself short (despite the fact that she’s actually smart and talented) just so that no one expects anything of her. Tia sure comes off as immature and stubborn but that just made her juvenile and realistic as a teenager. She’s not an easy character to like; she gets a little frustrating sometimes. Nevertheless, I enjoyed her vibrant voice, her extroverted personality and her character development. Also, she was a band geek (so was Will!) and band/drum corps was another aspect of the book I liked!

While Tia and Will were definitely interesting, I also was fond of the secondary characters, who had their own subplots that were to be the focus of the next books! Sawyer is probably my favourite and I can’t wait to read about him in the third book, Most Likely To Succeed, and also the next book, Perfect Couple, which will be about Harper, one of Tia’s BFFs. I just hope that the next books will dig deeper into the characters. Still, Biggest Flirts was delightful, funny and absolutely cute!

"And I wouldn’t change my life for her. I’ve learned that from you. I’m not changing for somebody else, because that person could disappear. The only person to change for is yourself."