A review by laviskrg
Only Human by Sylvain Neuvel


Finally finished with this steaming pile of shit. Next step: eliminate this trilogy from my shelf all the while cursing that the precious little queens of Goodreads receive free books (most of them cancer like this one) and gush all over them for publicity and due to a total lack of honour and backbone while I will never, ever see one cent back of the money wasted on this retarded collection of words.

This trilogy started out fine, quite good, actually. I was never a fan of the dialogue / script / interview style, I think that one book and one book alone has done it properly, and that book is "World War Z", which this filth tries to piggyback on. But in the first installment of this series, it actually worked and we weren't assaulted with screams and curses and cheap commentary every couple of pages.

The second book turned soapy and sappy and tried to up the drama bu murdering a lot of....faceless, nameless people. No, I am not impressed by mass elimination because I give no fucks about humanity. I really don't. The only way I will ever feel anything for merciless wipe-out is if it is engulfed in a moving, well-structured, dense story. This shit wasn't any of the aforementioned things.

This shit was a nerdy author self-insert-centered wannabe sci-fi masturbation, drama and secret bratty kids included. It featured the most boring robots ever, the most pathetically Buddhist aliens with the lamest excuse ever, the most unsatisfying extraterrestrial planet, the largest density of geniuses and special snowflakes who are also simpletons, valley girls and lame cunts, all at the same time, a pretty respectable quantity of Mary Sue/Gary Stu/spesh saviour characters and the worst way to write action scenes EVER fucking seen in literature, aka through screams, grunts, "words" like aaaaaaaargh, ugh, aaaaaaaaa (I am not kidding, I mean, to call this insulting is to barely scratch the surface).

And the third book, this one, the one I am writing a review for was the celebration of all that was rancid and bad and insulting in the previous installments, minus anything that was good, and a half-assed attempt at the metaphor of discrimination, racism, anti-Muslim propaganda, concentration camps and the emotional instability of warmongering countries. Sure, the metaphor is nice but one needs a sizable IQ to properly feature it within a story. No intelligence, control of language, originality or literary ability were found in this case, so we have the Themis files, an insult to SciFi and literature at the same time.

The first book was rejected 50 times, and this was the best one of the series. Finally, it got accepted and set the rest of this mess in motion, which proves that at the end of the day, shit will always float.