A review by deathcabforkatey
Brother in the Land by Robert Swindells


3.5 stars. I picked this up with no idea it’s a children’s/YA book. I lean more toward YA just because of the romance part but I guess it may be more middle-reader.

I really enjoy dystopian books, because of the themes they explore. Surprisingly, this was the first book I read that explicitly had a nuclear apocalypse. Following the characters in the immediate fallout is interesting. However, the author doesn’t do a lot to flesh out the characters and give them more depth, so I end up very ambivalent about them.

The world is very walking dead-esque, and centers upon the question of what would remain of humanity in an apocalypse situation. What does it mean to be human sans-society? How do we survive while keeping our humanity? All questions I enjoy.

I definitely recommend this book to a younger audience. Adding it to my “for my kids” shelf.

Read if you like: dystopia, nuclear apocalypse, YA/middle readers.