A review by alliepeduto
Under Currents by Nora Roberts


Another rock solid Nora! This one was really a 4.5 since it was pretty damn fantastic, but I’m also fairly picky about my Nora’s, so I hold out for the elusive 5 stars. I’ve been reading her novels for over 10 years, stealing them from my mom’s bookshelf and later storing them on my Kindle, and this book reminded me why I keep coming back for more. I was Invested with a capital I. I loved Zane (and the whole Walker fam really) and Darby felt like someone I would love to be friends with. It was a more organic love story, which I appreciated since let’s be honest here, a lot of romances veer into ridiculous territory. The only thing I felt was slightly unbelievable was the amount of violence this small sect of people experienced, but honestly, I expected that from a suspense novel. It’s like all these books set around small town murders; it’s kind of the point of the book, even though you would think people would start leaving the town after x amounts of murders. That all being said, it was a great summertime read, and a gorgeous cover to boot!