A review by sc104906
Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni


Find my original review on my blog: https://wp.me/p8jcuj-2y2

Ivy is a quiet artist, who likes to spread kindness to those around her. Harold, her best friend, is going away to a summer camp and as a farewell, she plans something epic. It is through this that Ivy feels a shift in their friendship to something more romantic. She can't wait to see where they are when he returns and the only thing she has to distract herself is an anonymous art app, where users upload images of various pieces of art. Ivy doesn't feel confident enough to post on the app, but she intensely follows the posts and stories. When Harold returns, he seems to have forgotten what happened that last night and doesn't seem to have time for Ivy any longer. Ivy struggles with Harold's busy schedule and chaffes at the fact that he doesn't seem to understand or approve of her obsession with the VEIL app. When someone posts a hate comment, the app is brought into the real world, parents get involved, and the app is threatened. Ivy wants to save her favorite app and as she begins to uncover secret identities of the app users she works to help them.

The cover of this book is as compelling as the story inside. I had a great time with this book. I thought it was an interesting commentary on both spreading kindness, but also good intentions not always being enough. I was less thrilled with the Harold romance and more interested in the friend from art class. This was an interesting idea that was well executed.