A review by chelse34
To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis


Read this for Everydayreading's book club. I read the first one years ago and LOVED it. I didn't even know it was in a series. But the books are totally different and you don't need to read them in order. They are very separate stories but all involve time travel. 

That being said, this one was very wibbly wobbly time whimey. So much to the point that I was getting a little bit confused as to where they were and where they were going and how all the differences end up lining up. They have to fix an incongruity, which I'm still puzzled about. It was a lot and like I said very confusing. 

I learned from the book that I need to read "Three Men in a Boat" and I should probably learn more about the Battle of Waterloo. Those were referenced a lot. 

I did love the references to other detective books, like Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie. Those little references made my day because I actually understood those ones. And the ending with that made me so happy. But I don't want to spoil it so I can't tell you what it is. I also really loved the dry humor from Ned.

Overall I enjoyed it, but it was a very slow start and took me awhile to catch on to what was going on, and then I'm still confused with the ending and all the time differences that somehow were fixed. But I will definitely recommend book one to anyone!