A review by marnella
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor


I had read this book when I was younger like 7th grade or so. I didn't remember the story line just that I knew it dealt with Race and I remembered I liked it as I never forgot the title all these years later. I recently found it at goodwill and thought why not reread this book. It's less than 300 pages. This is one of those books that opens your eyes and makes you want to be a better person. I would say this book is a child's equivalent to Uncle Tom's Cabin.
The story is told from a black 9 year old girls perspective. Blacks are free and her family is fortunate to own a decent amount of their own land which they farm. While legally free many of the whites in Mississippi did not see them as equals not even close. This is the story of the little girl learning these lessons and what some whites would do to put others in their "place".