A review by ybm
סיפור טוב - מחשבות על אמת, בדיון ופסיכותרפיה, by Arabella Kurtz, J.M. Coetzee


Worth reading only for Kurtz's insights into therapy, which are both illuminating and well written. Coetzee's interjections seem to misunderstand the point of therapy. They come across as unverified, baseless self-aggrandisement couched in grandiose language- the effect is someone showing off his own thoughts without truly engaging with the other speaker (no wonder he believes true conversation is rare). I wish someone would write a psychological analysis of Coetzee's responses in this book. Kurtz has made a valiant attempt at engaging with Coetzee, but the overall effect is of two writers passing each other in the night. A spurious collection of random thoughts, which is a shame because there are hints of true gems of insight that are never fully developed.