A review by jerrica
At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft


I picked this up in order to find something that my Geology major boyfriend would like. He enjoys reading but typically non-fiction (?!!!) and doesn't seem to share my appreciation for Morrison, Walker, Kingsolver, (?!!?!?!?!?) I could go on. Anyway, I figured since the protagonist of this book is a geologist that this would be a good halfway point.

The story is slow to start, Lovecraft himself wrote that it "has a certain kind of cumulative horror", so yes, it gets horrific eventually. Scary. Hard to put down. I'm not one for horror movies but for some reason I get a kick out of the genre in book form, as I loved Frankenstein. The feel is similar, you know, freaky supernatural stuff. The Necronomicon plus the complete and total isolation of Antarctica which is frankly already scary enough on its own if you've read The White Darkness or anything else about Antarctica. Yeah. Not on my bucket list.

If you happen to be or are dating someone of the geologic inclination, the book contains plenty of dry for you/fun for them Geology information that was very accurate for its time, which was apparently before they discovered plate tectonics were a thing! Crazy! However, the scientific tone of the novel also serves to the plaintive horror of the entire situation all the more...you know, scary. I ran out of adjectives. It's 2 in the morning. In conclusion, read this book! It's short and scary just like LIFE!