A review by itsallaboutthebooksuk
The Other Twin by L. V. Hay


First of all I want to start with the cover, look at it, It’s simple but intriguing and I know you should never judge a book by it’s cover but we all do, don’t we? Well this just shouted READ ME and so I did and what a surprise I got.
I haven’t got a clue what I was expecting when I read the description for this book, there had already been quite a lot of hype on social media before I picked it up so I was eager to see why everyone was raving about it.
When Poppy returns home to Brighton after her younger sister falls to her death from a railway bridge, Poppy is convinced there is more to her sisters death than meets the eye. What follows for Poppy is a very complicated path in which she must untangle the lies and secrets that will help her find the truth.
The Other Twin is a very well written story that really drags you in by the scruff of the neck, I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out how this very complex story would unfold and with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns I found myself not trusting anyone that Poppy came across. I could feel my frustration building along with Poppy as she tried to piece together India’s life before her death. The Other Twin is one of those stories where you think you’ve guessed the who’s and how’s and boom another twist is thrown in and you’re back to square one again.
I could probably go on and on with my review but I really don’t want to spoil any of the story and I fear I may if I keep typing. So with very realistic characters, a plot that is full of suspense dealing with relevant social issues, The Other Twin is like nothing I’ve ever read before and I will be highly recommending this cracking debut. I’m quite excited to see what the author has up her sleeve next.