A review by trin
Greenwitch by Susan Cooper


This is the last of the [book: Dark Is Rising] books that I own(ed); I made myself read it before I could allow myself to give them away. There was exciting crossover potential!!!1! in the Drews meeting Will, but they actually didn't interact very much; I'm not even really sure why Will was there. Or what Merriman needs the Drews for, really—they're kept out of the loop a lot and made to forget stuff, which I find creepy, even though I don't think we're meant to view it as such. Oddly, at the same time Cooper seems sincere when she has Merriman promise that nothing physically bad can happen to them. So where's the sense of danger? The Pevensies faced death, you know. *grumble*

I was pretty bored. I'm glad all three books are now on their way to people who, hopefully, will get more enjoyment out of them.