A review by megansendlessreads
Ten Thousand Words by Kelli Jean


Ten Thousand Words...

I really liked the concept for this book going into it. I mean, the idea of an author and cover model dating seems like a really unique and interesting novel and I was wondering how exactly the meat up would turn out and how the characters would interact. The author used a lot of sound choices in terms of plot that really boosted this book into the five star range.

The author did a great job of creating characters that were completely independent from each other and kind of balanced each other out. I felt there were things about both of the main characters which challenged thier relationship and caused emotions to run high. Yet I loved these parts of the book because it made the characters seem real and not just some happy-go-lucky people who have the perfect relationship. There is definitely a depth in this novel that is absent in other books within this genre.

"I wanted to be the one to discover all the things that made Xanthe who she was."
I really loved the alternating perspectives in this book surprisingly. I don't always like the way authors switch perspectives within a novel but Kelli Jean does a great job of making the transition clear and concise while still keeping the tempo of the book constant and smooth. A lot of the switched perspectives were at the perfect parts to get a unique spin on the characters and situation. I was able to not only understand the reasons behind some of the characters reactions but also part of their secrets and get a more in-depth look into thier past and some of those driving forces behind their actions. When this switching perspective is done properly, it really adds another dimension to the novel, like in Ten Thousand Words.

I have a lot of respect for Xanthe (pronounced "Zan - thee") as a character because of just her pure acceptance for who she is and her non-judgement attitude combined with a no-bullsh*t tollerance. I feel like this combination creates the perfect female lead within this novel for it perfectly balances some of the imperfections of Oliver (the male lead). Xanthe faces so much opposition from so many different people in her life that it really surprised me that she was able to be so strong.

Oliver was a character that I equally disliked and liked. Especially at the start of the novel, I felt as if he came off as arrogant and a little rude. He was almost predisposed to make snap judgements of people which were often a little offensive. For this reason, I found it took me longer to become infatuated with Oliver compared to the average romance novel. Yet this also added to the charm of the book overall because the characters weren't perfect.

"There was a darkness within her, and it was quite profound. She had described horrors as though she had seen them in the flesh."
Overall this book was pretty darn amazing and I loved the unique twist within the novel. The characters were uniquely complex and I really like the story of an author and cover model and just the circumstances of Xanthe and Oliver meeting was fun and interesting.