A review by disastrouspenguin
A Perfect Evil by Alex Kava


The first novel in the Maggie O'Dell series, in which a serial killer of young boys is turned loose in a small town. Maggie is summoned to the scene and promptly identifies the culprit within the first few days. Despite this, the serial killer is never officially identified and easily escapes, leaving Maggie doubting her own intuition.

I liked this book both less and more than I thought I would. I was expecting greatness due to the 4+ average of stars here on GR. But just a couple pages into the book my hopes fell dramatically - the characters and the dialogue were almost child-like. This improved somewhat (Not much) as the book progress. On the other hand most of the plot was really well thought out, with well-paced chapters that kept me up past my bedtime a couple nights. 'Course, that's overlooking the fact that despite Maggie identifying the killer she doesn't take active steps to prove or disprove her theory. Ah well. I see potential in this series and will read more, but I am not holding my breath.