A review by preethijoseph
Lucky Girl by Jamie Pacton


Fortuna Jane a 17yr old girl from a small town in Wisconsin wins a lotto for $58 millions ! Did you just say wow ? I did too but here comes the problem ! She is a minor and she cannot even reveal that she is the winner let alone cash the ticket because this is illegal .. Okay so what is the problem you say , she can ask someone to do it for her , yes right except that there are only three trustworthy ppl in her life who are over 18 and for different reasons she cannot ask any of them (keeping it non-spoiler) ! Can she keep the secret ? Can she get someone to cash it , if she does what would she do with that huge a amount? To know all this and more you gotta read the book !

There are so many books on mental health and depression and this book (I had no idea) dealt wit it too.. The grief of loosing a loved one is never easy, is it ?? The world does not stop , it pulls us along to move forward with it but sometimes we don’t ! We are stuck in the past , a part of us , the best part of us , looking for traces of the loved one , wishing for one last word, one last hug, one last kiss to say thank you or to say sorry only to realise its too late .. ! I still carry a 100 rupee note that my Grandmother gave me 7yrs ago on the morning she died . Such is life such is grief !

When I read the blurb I thought this was going to be a fun read, just cute and sweet sophomore novel but boy was I wrong .. The last few chapters of the book were soo emotional I cried heaps !! Honestly its been a long time since I put a book over my chest and cried over it at 2:45 AM in the morning .. The relationship Jane shares with her mentally stressed mother , her dead father , her bff Bran all of it was soo beautifully portrayed ! The coping mechanism that Jane’s mom takes on to hide the pain and loss of her husband had my empathy !

The characters were sweet and felt real that closing the book felt like having to say a goodbye to friends .. Also Bran and Jane are BFF goals !

Thanks @jamiepacton for writing this book and for sending me across this copy !!