A review by melluker
Murder at The Bookstore by Sue Minix


I really wanted to like this book. I was hoping for a cozy read in a bookshop setting.
The cover set the scene perfectly. The blurbs promised the story would hook fans of Agatha Christie from the first page. What more could I possibly want?! After all, I’m a sucker for a good whodunnit.
Unfortunately, that is not what I got. While the main characters seemed like quite lively and interesting individuals, the story was pretty mediocre. Irritatingly, the line of action kept being abruptly stopped in the middle of a paragraph and was then continued with a new plot line, never to be continued again. The writing itself, I’m sorry to say, was giving me wattpad. The worst sin to me was however that the murderer was obvious to me before the murder even took place (which, as previously read whodunnits will tell you, is not due to my great detective skills).
Overall, this was unfortunately a miss for me