A review by perfect_leaves
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler


Normally I wouldn't bother reviewing such an old book (I don't review books published moe than 15 years ago, I'd rather just do a literary analysis at that point) but this point certainly warrants one.

The novel, in a word: Enthralling.

I didn't find myself craving it or getting overly involved as I tend to do with other novels, but I did find myself getting completely absorbed in the story while I was reading it-- I definitely missed my stop on the metro while reading... more than once. Frankly, I almost gave Kindred 5 stars, but I just read a couple of 5-star worthy books, and this one falls a little short.

The plot and characterization are phenomenal, but the word choice is not spectacular. The words were by no means facile, but I didn't find myself struck by the beauty of the language (perhaps that was intentional). Kindred was easy to read, so the language definitely scored points in that respect. As far as characters go, it was refreshing to read a clever, well-spoken female lead. I certainly plan to keep this book in my library.