A review by crystalisreading
Rad Girls Can: Stories of Bold, Brave, and Brilliant Young Women by Kate Schatz


Rad Girls Can is one of my favorite reads of the year, full of interesting and inspiring content on young women past and present who have achieved remarkable things despite the obstacles. I especially appreciated the breadth of the collection, especially the diversity of the girls featured. They are diverse in race, religion, and culture, as well as from various time periods, achieving goals in so many different areas of the world. Chess champions, record setting athletes, political activists, writers and performers, fashion designers, online personalities, artists, musicians--the book is just overflowing with wonderful young women. And while not all the stories, especially the historic ones, end well, they still inspire. All of them. In the dark sea that is politics and reality right now, this book shines as a beacon of hope and a reminder of what can be achieved when young women are given the chance and/or when they have the determination to succeed. It also gives hope in what our future can be, with young women like this growing up to take over the world. The sooner the better, ladies! We need you!
So buy this for every young woman in your life. Read it yourself. Follow up on the stories and read more about these inspiring women. And maybe even do like I did, and follow the contemporary girls featured in this book via social media. We could all use to see more girl power and inspiring achievement in our lives.