A review by hela
I am Not Myself These Days by Josh Kilmer-Purcell

dark funny medium-paced


I don’t really like giving low ratings to memoirs because it’s someone’s life story, but this one had some real flaws I think should be noted for anyone thinking about picking it up. The story focused on the author, his addictions, his partner, and his addictions. It was quite dark and graphic despite the comedic way it was written (which felt somewhat forced and fell flat for me). The story felt really repetitive from even before the halfway point; the writing felt like an anecdote the author had used too many times. But where it really lost me was when he was preparing for a trip to Japan, and he (a caucasian author) started mocking the Japanese accent for like three pages of dialogue. If I wasn’t reading it for a bookclub, I would have stopped right there and not finished it.  

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